Picture this: Your star performer just dropped the bombshell. They’re leaving. Walking out with years of experience, secret shortcuts, and irreplaceable know-how stuffed in their head. And now you’re facing months of watching their replacement struggle to figure it all out. 

Replacing an employee can cost between 30% to 150% of their annual salary, including training and lost productivity. Someone earning $70,000 annually could cost between $21,000 to $105,000 to replace. 

And let’s be real – when people leave, you’re lucky to get a rushed brain dump in their final week. Sometimes you get a hasty email. Sometimes you get nothing at all. Even your most conscientious employees struggle to document what’s in their head – they’re too close to their own genius to explain it properly. 

That’s where Knowledge Net comes in. As curiosity-driven experts, we see what your people can’t – those subtle skills and hidden workflows that make everything tick. In days not weeks we cast a wide net to capture all the crucial insights from your key team members before they walk out the door.

Because let’s face it: every time someone leaves and takes their knowledge with them, it costs you. Big time. 

What Knowledge Net catches

  • Hidden Hooks: Those key shortcuts and workflows that make things tick
  • Connection Chains: Key contacts, unofficial networks, and who-knows-who wisdom
  • System Secrets: The real way your tools and processes work (not just the manual version)
  • Decision Depths: The thinking behind why things are done the way they are
  • Success Signals: The unwritten rules of getting stuff done in your organisation